
Cases in the Sterile Pipeline Industry

Time:2022-12-01 19:48:08     Editors:SZWISE     Views:155

  Abstract: The Weisite WS-YL6010020S is used to inspect the cleanliness of the inner walls of clean pipelines, welding conditions, residual debris in mesh screens, and corrosion. It is suitable for industries such as food and pharmaceuticals. The service was provided to XX Food Group using the Weisite WS-YL6010020S Intelligent Million-Pixel Dual-Lens HD Endoscope.

  Service Site:



  Inspection Conditions: Stainless steel pipeline with a diameter of 50mm and a length of approximately 2m. The inner walls of the pipeline have high brightness reflection and contain transparent liquid. The main focus is to inspect the welding conditions, residual debris in the mesh screens, and the cleanliness of the inner walls.

  Challenges: The presence of transparent liquid inside the pipeline, multiple bends in the pipeline, a small insertion port, and high brightness reflection on the inner walls.

  Solution: We utilized the Weisite WS-YL6010020S Straight-Side Integrated Dual-Window HD Endoscope, which provides a clear and intuitive view of the front condition and the sidewall welding conditions of the pipeline through its dual-screen display. The automatic exposure function effectively addresses the issue of high brightness reflection on the inner walls. The probe has a 360-degree articulated function that facilitates easy entry into the curved pipeline. It is also IP68 rated, providing protection against liquids and other complex environments.

  Inspection Image:


  Service Summary: Based on the customer's description, we provided a high-quality inspection solution using the Weisite WS-YL6010020S Straight-Side Integrated Dual-Window HD Endoscope. It effectively solved the customer's inspection challenges, including pipeline bends, front wall, sidewall, liquid presence, and high brightness reflection. The inspection results were clear and detailed. The device is user-friendly, portable, and received high praise from the customer's on-site leadership. They expressed great satisfaction with the performance of our endoscope products. As a result, we reached a cooperation agreement immediately and signed a partnership agreement.